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信息 技术 Standard

06.7.0 网站许可证 Program Standard

日期 of Current Revision or Creation: 2021年10月1日

的目的 信息 技术 Standard is to specify requirements for compliance with bet8体育娱乐入口 信息 技术 policies, other University policies, as well as applicable laws and regulations. 标准 may include business principles, 最佳实践, 技术标准, migration and implementation strategies, 指导设计, deployment and management of information technology.

  1. 目的

    The purpose of this standard is to define the requirements for the software site license program managed by 信息 技术服务.

  2. 定义

    家用 is the term for software sold under the 网站许可证 Program that has been approved by the vendor for use on personally-owned devices.

    信息 Security Officer (ISO) - The bet8体育娱乐入口 employee, appointed by the President or designee, who is responsible for developing and managing bet8体育娱乐入口's information technology (IT) security program.

    信息 技术 资源 are defined as computers, telecommunication 设备, 网络, automated data processing, 数据库, 互联网, 印刷, management information systems, and related information, 设备, 货物, 和服务.

    网站许可证 allows an organization to make multiple copies of a software package to use on multiple computers.

    软件许可证 is a legally binding agreement that specifies the terms of use for an application and defines the rights of the software producer and of the end-user.

  3. 标准声明

    At the University, software can be procured using a variety of methods and procedures. This policy outlines the requirements for the 网站许可证 Program administered by the Office of 信息 技术服务.

    Under the 网站许可证 Program, the University negotiates purchase agreements and volume discounts for software licenses from a variety of outside companies. 教师 and staff may purchase pre-approved products through the 网站许可证 program.

    The 网站许可证 Program is administered by a 站点License管理器. The 网站许可证 management responsibilities include distribution of software licenses in compliance with the purchase agreements; tracking the inventory of software assets; and maintaining standard policies and procedures related to the University's software assets.

    Software products purchased or provided via the 网站许可证 Program can only be installed on university-owned 设备, unless specifically permitted by the vendor for home use. A list of approved software is available online or from the 站点License管理器. Terms vary from vendor to vendor.

    Technical support is provided by the ITS Technical 支持 Center for products purchased through the 网站许可证 program. Technical support is limited to network connectivity issues, application loading and performance issues, 印刷, concerns with saving/retrieving files, memory problems and data conversion with MS Office Suite.

    Users are responsible for understanding the copyright and licensing requirements of the software and maintaining compliance with the software license requirements.

  4. 程序,指导方针 & Other Related 信息


    Policy 3500 - Use of Computing 资源

    Policy 3509 - Software Decision Analysis Policy

    资讯科技标准09.1.0 Acceptable Use Standard


  5. 历史





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    2018年5月 站点License管理器 Reviewed; definitions and links updated
    2021年10月 资讯科技政策办事处 定义 and links checked; minor wording changes.



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